Ann Scarewcrow is de “Chaotic Good” Heks uit de party Eliat, het spel.
Toen de partyleden voor het eerst met elkaar optrokken was Ann nog maar 15 jaar jong. Had ze een lengte van 5'.2“ (157.5 cm) een gewicht van 89lbs (40,4 kg). Lang zwart haar en ravenzwarte ogen. Haar Familiar “Raaf” een raaf (die was te verwachten), hield haar op haar pad in de gaten. Ann is als een kleine heks al bezig met "Brooms Magic" en geen elke vorm van magie zou haar beter gepast hebben.
De Party wordt geleid door Simon. Waar zij samen met Hundra (Bjørn), Seebo Borrlt (Bertil), Tharilith, (Chiquita) en Victoria Fabricius (Bart).
Witches who dabble in this Art have craftily found a way to channel great power into the innocuous looking household broom. Only nonlawful witches may dabble in broom magic.
Power: Enchanted Weapon: The witch may enchant a single broom to act as a +1 magical weapon (that they are automatically proficient with) that does 1d3 bludgeoning damage.
Alternatively the sweeping end of the broom may be set on fire to act as an ever-burning torch that does 1d4 fire damage, in place of bludgeoning damage, with a successful melee strike. A witch may extinguish the fire on her burning broom at will, but has to find some means of igniting it again.
A witch may only have one enchanted broom at a time. If a witch's broom is lost or destroyed then another may be made. Enchantment time for making a witch's broom is 1 week-1 day per class level, but never less than 1 day. The powers a witch's broom possesses only function if wielded by the witch who enchanted it, to all others it is merely a normal broom that is strangely resistant to normal damage and fire.
A witch needs to be within sight of her broom to cast the following spells.
Spells: 0 mage hand, 1 feather fall, 2 levitate, 3 air walk, 4 fly, 5 dimension door, 6 teleport, 7 greater teleport, 8 plane shift, 9 gate
The witch practices witchcraft, magic of charms, deception, insight, and nature. She casts arcane spells without preparation, using the sorcerer spell progression. She uses her Charisma score to determine maximum spell level, spell DCs, and bonus spells. However, the witch uses her own spell list, called Witchcraft:
cure minor wounds, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, ghost sound, guidance, light, lullaby, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, virtue
cause fear, charm person, command, cure light wounds, disguise self, doom, entangle, faerie fire, hypnotism, lesser confusion, obscuring mist, silent image, sleep
alter self, augury, blindness/deafness, cure moderate wounds, eagle's splendor, enthrall, fog cloud, glitterdust, gust of wind, minor image, scare, Tasha's hideous laughter, whispering wind
arcane sight, bestow curse, call lightning, clairvoyance/clairaudience, contagion, deep slumber, dispel magic, hold person, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, major image, plant growth, poison, suggestion
charm monster, command plants, discern lies, divination, Evard's black tentacles, fear, hallucinatory terrain, neutralize poison, polymorph, remove curse, remove disease, scrying, tongues
baleful polymorph, break enchantment, control winds, dominate person, dream, feeblemind, greater command, hold monster, magic jar, mind fog, mirage arcana, nightmare, wall of thorns
animate objects, control weather, dismissal, eyebite, flesh to stone, forbiddance, geas/quest, mass suggestion, mislead, project image, spellstaff, true seeing, veil
creeping doom, finger of death, greater scrying, insanity, liveoak, transport via plants, vision
binding, discern location, horrid wilting, mass charm monster, polymorph any object, power word: stun, trap the soul
dominate monster, foresight, mass hold monster, shapechange, storm of vengeance, wail of the banshee, weird
All of the following are class features of the witch.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Witches are proficient with the club, dagger, dart, and quarterfstaff. They are not proficient with any type of armor or with shields.